Saturday, February 21, 2009


Went to lunch and a movie with DH today. Saw that Mall Cop movie. Overall, it's very cute, but the first half-hour or so is almost painful. It's worth waiting to get to where the action starts, and things wouldn't make sense if you miss the beginning.
For me it was funny in another way. I grew up in NJ, where the movie is set, and the neighborhood the Mall Cop lived in was so much like the one where I grew up it was a nice walk down memory lane, as it were.
The movie go me thinking about something though. One of the running gags is that Paul (Mall Cop) takes his job way too seriously. While it was funny in a lot of ways, it's sad that it was funny. Once upon a time it was a good thing to take pride in your work, no matter what it was. Now it seems like it's only important if the job seems important, and I thinks that's kind of sad. Maybe if more people took their jobs more seriously they'd be happier in their work. Certainly they would do a better job, and that might even help a flagging economy, or at least keep some people in business. Especially if they are in customer service.
Other than that, it's been a slow day around here. The most excitement we had was when my daughter's snake got loose. It was back in tank within 15 minutes, safe and sound. I'm just glad it wasn't the taratula.

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