Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Duggars, Duggars Everywhere.....

The whole wide world has heard about Jim-Bob and Michelle Duggar, a couple from Arkansas who have 18 kids and a show on Discovery health. Every once in a while I do a search on them, and every time I do that I am astounded at the amount of hatred and condemnation heaped upon them. It looks to me as though they are raising some good kids, and they don't have any debt, nor to they get help from the government. They had 14 kids before the media took an interest, and those early shows were quite popular. If you don't think the Duggars should have a show, don't watch. I have yet to hear anyone complain about people exploiting their family if the go on Wife Swap or Supernanny, and you know that the Duggars would still be having kids even if there wasn't a reality show.
Another point many of the haters seem to make is that this one family of 18 is depleting the world's resources by having this many kids. Oh, come on. Are you going to limit everyone to a set amount of kids? Fine. I know a nice country in Asia thats doing that right now.
Another item of unfair Duggar hatred involves their son's "no kissing until marriage" stance and purity rings for their daughters. If you have read my blog in the past I think you have a good idea how I feel about the whole topic. The kissing thing is something I haven't touched on though, so I will attempt to say what I think here. While I don't think a peck or two is going to hurt anyone, I can see how they would want to avoid temptation. Everything starts with kissing, and then you want to go further and further. I know I tell my daughter (at least the one that's dating) that you can't just shut off those feelings, so it's better to just not go there if you aren't ready. Yes, this is an old fashioned view, but being old fashioned isn't always bad. I also thing the way their oldest son courted and married his wife was very sweet, and I think that kind of sweetness and romance is sadly lacking today, as well as the sheer practicality of choosing someone you can realistically live with for the next 40 years.
Okay, enough Duggar defense. This is a free country, they aren't imposing their will on anyone, so just SHUT UP everybody.

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