Saturday, March 7, 2009


We are going to be moving to a new place in a few weeks. We are loosing a garage, but we are gaining a family room, a laundry room the size of a family room, a few other rooms, a barn, and 5 acres.
So, now the big questions are where are we going to put everything? A lot of the house is just bigger, we have a walk-in closet the size of a bedroom, a storage room that's small but is still there, and a sun porch that may or may not be used as one. I want it to be a sun porch, it even has ceiling fans and would be great for our patio table, but it might be another place for the things we need a garage for. I guess we will see.
The kids will be changing schools over the summer, and some of them are very excited and some are not too happy. My oldest is upset to leave her friends, my son is happy to be getting out of his school, and the other 2 are undeclared, other than than they like the fact we will have a lot more room.
So, we are working out logistics and where to put everything and everybody, like who's going to share rooms, what room will be shared, where to store our books. (We have a LOT of books) and whether or not to buy a tractor mower or just use a push mower on what's absolutely necessary.

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